Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dear Santa...

Images via Adore Magazine

...I would really appreciate if this super duper cool owl umbrella stand, from Two´s company, were laying under the tree this year. 
You can order it at Amazon. Imagine this in hot pink, turquoise or bright yellow, that would have been even cooler. Well, maybe they have! 


  1. Here can I place all my cool umbrellas! I actually fell in love with the owl.

  2. You too,huh? I guess we both have to ask santa extra nicely ;)

  3. En slik ugle skulle jeg gjerne hatt til paraplyene i entreen!

  4. Det skulle gjerne jeg og. Litt morsommere enn de typiske stativene, eller hva? :)

  5. The 6th of december is the memorial day for Santa Clas, originally the martyrial bishop of Myra, Santa Nicolas.

  6. Santa is soon coming, but only to kind "children". The original Santa Nicolas, catholic bishop of Myra, is known for his gifts, kindness and comfort specially amongst poor and parentless children in his diocese.

  7. Well, I might not be a child, but I do believe I have been kind.

  8. In some way we allways must in some manner behave like a child. The child within us must live, not die!

  9. Hurray for Santa, and off course for the owl!

  10. Likte denne uglen. Endelig et paraplystativ som avviker fra de vanlige kjedelige....


Thanks for all your sweet comments! xx Marie